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The Sound of free improvisation

Piano Music from Peter Kreißl

There are many ways to describe free improvisation, but unique, talented, and charismatic just seem to scratch the surface. However, there is one word that ties them all together and is true to their character: free improvisation is a river of flowing music. Where does it go? Where is it's source? Listen and find out for yourself!

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

the way of free improvisation music

follow the flow

Inspired by both classical and contemporary music, mainly through choral works (to name a few: Chopin, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Brahms, Mozart, Ligeti, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Ludovico Einaudi, Puccini, etc.) I transferred daily moods, impressions, feelings , Weather phenomena, the laughter of my children or even a normal working day into music.
The musical ideas come unexpectedly and flow through my hands into the instrument. An active steering of the melodies takes place very rarely because the spontaneous improvisation in its freedom should flow unchecked. The artistic intervention consists in being able to memorize and reproduce the pieces to some extent and to record them in the next step and to summarize them into a context.



2601 Eggendorf, Austria

skype: peter.kreissl

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